unbiased estimator

美 [ʌnˈbaɪəst ɛˈstɪmətər]英 [ʌnˈbaɪəst ˈɛstɪmeɪtə]
  • 无偏估计量
unbiased estimatorunbiased estimator
  1. Best Linear Unbiased Estimator of Accelerated Life Test Under Weibull Distribution


  2. And others discussed the best linear unbiased estimator for the logistic population .


  3. An unbiased estimator can be acquired through high order moments of received data .


  4. A class of unbiased estimator of variogram is obtained in this paper .


  5. Conditional Best Linear Unbiased Estimator for Multivariate Curvilinear Models


  6. In the verification , the proposed best linear unbiased estimator is utilized as the frequency synchronization algorithm .


  7. Method of least squares and minimum linear variance unbiased estimator are applied to detailed procedures with practical examples ;


  8. The Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator of the Parameter in Negative Binomial Distribution and Its Asymptotic Efficiency


  9. Whether commodity futures price is the unbiased estimator of future spot price or not is a disputed question .


  10. Dual-observer Passive Ranging Algorithms Based on Unbiased Estimator


  11. Then an adaptive , efficient unbiased estimator of Hurst index based on multiresolution wavelet analysis and weighted regression is presented .


  12. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Least Squares Estimator to Be the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator in the General Gauss - Markov Model


  13. Enumerative Units and Quantity Scales : Discussing the Functional Types of Noun-Quantifiers ; asymptotically normal and unbiased estimator


  14. Unbiased Estimator Class of Variogram


  15. Appling these formulas the variance and covariance of the minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of the variance components is computed .


  16. In the present paper , We give the necessary and sufficient conditions for which the minimum variance linear unbiased estimator reduces to the least square in multivariate linear models .


  17. Then , we studied a few of properties of negative binomial distribution and the uniformly unbiased estimator of the parameter , and it 's biological significances were explained in Epidemiology .


  18. Best Unbiased Estimator for Trend & A Method of Getting Trend of Digital Elevation Model This paper proposed an algorithm for finding critical value of normal population variance under unbiassed tests with uniform dominance .


  19. The known Gauss-Markov theorem asserts that the least squares estimator ( LSE ) is a minimum variance unbiased estimator among the class of all linear unbiased estimators .


  20. Problem about the existence of the unbiased estimator of regression parameters in the simple linear EV model is thoroughly solved . The non-existent of unbiased estimator under some common restrictions are proved .


  21. These conclusions have not only the theoretic benefits but also the practical ones for the selection of positioning approaches . ( 3 ) Present an ellipse based best linear unbiased estimator ( BLUE ) localization algorithm .


  22. The results indicate that if all the investors all full rational , the equilibrium price , whether using close call auction or open call auction , is the unbiased estimator of the risky assets true value .


  23. There are two main research contents ; one is the classical statistical estimation method for model parameter , such as maximum likelihood estimator , least square estimator and its weighted form , linear unbiased estimator and minimum norm estimator .


  24. In this paper the method of double sampling is applied to PPS Sampling . We present a unbiased estimator of population total in the method and discuss the variance of the estimator and unbiased estimator of the variance .


  25. In this paper , the authors give the mean precision of the ratio-type estimator for the population mean in the two-stage sampling , whose major term for large sample size is not worse than the mean precision of the unbiased estimator .


  26. Consider a kind of linear mixed effects model which was proposed by Tao et al ( 1999 ), the nonparametric estimator of the density of the random effects was established . It is shown that the estimator is an asymptotic unbiased estimator .


  27. With regard to the estimation of the variance components , many statisticians proposed a number of approaches , such as the Analysis of Variance Estimator , Maximum Likelihood Estimator , Restricted MLE , and the Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator , etc.


  28. Under two usual quadratic loss functions , we obtain some simple conditions under which these pre-test estimators are uniformly better than unbiased estimator . As these conditions only depend on undetermined constants in pre-test estimators , it is easy to implement .


  29. The kriging estimator Zv of each block of a deposit can be estimated . Kriging estimator is the unbiased linear estimator with minimum estimation variance .
